Cement cooler material flow from bottom feeding to top discharging to make sure thatmaterial can be fully cooled. Water naturally flows along the shell to realize the material countercurrent flow, keeping high heat exchange rate. Using material spiral lifter to increase the cooling time.
How to choice cement cooler refractory material?
In order to reduce heat consumption, thinning refractory brick liner, decrease material and energy consumption. Cement clinker cooler refractory material should have features of low heat transmission rate, good insulation properties insulation tiles as insulation layer refractory materials:
1. Cement cooler inner refractory brick adopt two layer structure: inner layer is working area, outside layer is heat insulation layer;
2. Material and high temperature air contact working area should adopt clay hard refractory brick.
Cement cooler refractory material choice requirements:
1. High normal temperature anti-pressure strength, can resist longlife working abrasion;
2. Good structure strength and improve anti-corrosion ability from a certain degree;
3. Low heavy firing line change rate, can avoid refractory brick under high temperature condition working process damage because of valume inflate and shrink;
4. Good anti-vibration, can meet cement clinker inner thermal shock, working temperature fast change working features;
5. High refractoriness, good fire resistance;
6. Clay brick with high production capacity, widely usage, good working property and low cost, can completely meet cement cooler working requirements.