Cement clinker cooler has two main functions: recycle as much heat as possible from the hot clinker to heat up the air used for combustion, cool the clinker from 1400 degree to temperatures suitable for the subsequent process equipment, general working temperature is from 100 to 200 degree.
There are mainly two different types cement clinker coolers in operation with the following features:
Rotating coolers, rotary tube coolers with independent drive or planetary cooler attached to kiln shell, quasi counter-current flow realize heat exchange, cooling air determined by hot air, no waste air, heat exchange determined by condition of internal heat transfer equipment, limited single unit size, planetary cooler is not suitable for pre-calcination technology, practically no new installation built anymore.
Grate coolers, carry out heat exchange through horizontal clinker layer with cold air from grate board. Cooling airflow capacity exceed combustion air requirement airflow capacity can decrease clinker temperatures, but will produce wast air. Modern cooler technology with sophisticated plates and forced aeration systems make combustion air temperatures exceeding 1000 degree. Trend to wider and fewer grates, decrease cooling air and fixed inlets.
Kefan is profession cement equipment supplier, many more informations pls feel free to contact us at all times, detail informations we'll give you best discount!!!