
Active lime rotary kiln technical date knowledge:

According to different raw materials, rotary kiln can be classified into cement rotary kiln, metallurgy chemical kiln and lime rotary kiln.

Lime rotary kiln(active lime rotary kiln, lime kiln) main used to calcine steel factory, ferroalloy factory active lime and dolomite.

Key equipments: vertical preheater, rotary kiln, vertical cooler, combustion device, etc.

Main process: raw material conveying system, active lime calcination system, coal powder making system, final production conveying system, etc.

Complete active lime rotary kiln production equipments features:
1. Stable working, high efficiency, high production capacity, high quality products;
2. With energy-saving and eco-friendly system: using waste gas high efficiency exchange heat stepless, install sealing and dust collector at each contact, low heat consumption;
3. Active lime rotary kiln high efficiency and energy-saving;
4. High resource utilization;
5. High quality key equipments and high degree automatic.

