
Rotary Kiln Heat Consumption Reasons Analysis:

Active lime rotary kiln calcination process with bad environment, if the temperature overheat, rotary kiln woking will suffering unstable hot impact, frequently temperature change lead to thermal fatigue, these are kiln liner hot damage reasons, the followings are kefan analysis rotary kiln hot damage reasongs:
1. Overheat:
Rotary kiln inner heat load too high, heat load exceed higher than soften temperature. Kiln surface can't form. Refractory brick will lost kiln surface protection for a long time, brick eutectic impurities will melt under high temperature, cold front layer migration direction will penetrate dense layer, leave heat surface loose porous. Loose porous heat coat without brush, collision and impact and heat fatigue, easy to damage.
2. Heat impact:
Kiln unstable surface and unnormal kiln operation, especially refractory brick will easy suffering heat impact and damage. Kiln surface suddenly collapse, lead to refractory brick surface temperature instant soar, even nearly 1000degree, frequently start and stop kiln will produce thermal stress among bricks. Once exceed brick structure strength, weakness structure parts expending deepen, then crushed the brick. With kiln surface disappear, make the brick sustained damage.
3. Heat fatigue:
Reduce rotating merger rotary kiln liner surface temperature material layer, expose flame temperature. For example rotary working speed 2r/min, this periodic temperature lift to 90000 times every month. Each elevator temperature range is 150-200 degree. Through many time brick surface heat fatigue phenomenon, combine with other damage factors, make the refractory brick spalling damage.

